Peg 4, Paddlesworth, Burrows A misty morning on Burrows Lake. Not where I wanted to be but hey ho, it is what it is. Burrows is so popular these days Couldn't get in my usual spot so h ad to drop in here. Sort of found the marginal slope at 9.5 wraps despite being told it was six feet all the way across. Good job I put the marker rod out. Eight feet right up to the far bank, then ten at 9.5 wraps. More or less the same as The Goose Shit. Eight Spombs right over the top. Trialling a rig against my usual one. The idea of the rig is that the hook follows the bait in rather than the fish having to open its mouth wider to accommodate both bait and hook The hair is extended beyond the bend. The idea behind this is that the side hooked boily presents a bigger thing to enter the carp's mouth. The boily off the bend - the hook follows the bait into the mouth. In the side hooked version, I could forsee the fish spitting it out as it senses there's something other than the bait ...