Is it just me?

Tuesday 16th.June 2020 Paddlesworth, Pollard, peg32 12.00 Another complete re-think after last week's session. The issue on the lake at the moment is the weed. Although I have complete confidence in Ryan's wafters, I think they are unsuitable to use where weed is present. Consequently, I have gone for pop-up presentations on all three rods. Peg 32. Are there any fish in it?... Apparently not. Now I have never been a fan of Ronnie rigs, successful as they are. I can't abide all that ironmongery. I much prefer my tried and tested Stiff Hinge rig. I have had so many fish on these in the past I don't need to worry about confidence in them. I tie them very short, using the stripped back coating of the braid as the 'hinge'. Putty on the Albright knot acts as ballast. Stiff Hinge Rig. Tests at the end of the session showed the whole lot collapsing in a heap instead of straightening out nicely as shown in the videos! All three baits are on the same mark. Five wra...