I’m one of those anglers who goes more on instinct than common sense and rational thought. I’ll think through how I should fish - and then execute it instinctively, which is usually completely different! I’m gullible; easily persuaded. I’m a retailer’s dream - I’ll see something in the (fishing) shop and I’ve GOT to have it! Today I’m back at the lake intending to fish a one-nighter. The fishery is extremely busy. There are only a limited number of swims and they seem to be well-filled with those out to catch their first carp of the year. Although the sun is shining and it is warm inside the bivvy, a cold wind blowing from the east tells a different story and I’m grateful for my fleece. I’m presented with a swim I haven’t fished before although I have ‘scoped it out previously. Away over on the far side there are some tall trees, the branches hang out over the water; this looks a good spot on what is an un-fished bank. I’m thinking the fish must at some point patrol this b...