
Showing posts from 2024
  Moulin de Gassas 2024 28-06-2024 The annual visit to Bergerac in France did not get off to a very good start… I had not been feeling well prior to the holiday and had managed to get an appointment with my doctor. (An achievement in itself these days). She had called for an ECG (heart trace) as I had been feeling tired and listless and had dizzy spells. The day before we were due to catch the plane out, I got a call in the afternoon from my GP. “Mr Spreadbury, get yourself to the Emergency Department at Medway Maritime Hospital because there are anomalies on your ECG trace.” “What?.. What does that mean?” Long story short, a few hours before we were due to fly we had to make a decision as to whether we could go or cancel. The doctors, although giving me a ‘fit to fly’ endorsement referred me to a cardiac team for further investigation. This was extremely worrying and put a right ‘damper’ on proceedings I can tell you, but here were once again standing on the banks of the