Moulin de Gassas 2023

Introduction I last fished the Moulin back in September of last year and had an extremely average result. Whether it was because the fish were not feeding hard or it was down to my own incompetence I don't know. I did however discover a strategy towards the end of the week that I hoped to employ next time; this is what I'm hoping to do in the next few days. I found it was possible to walk a rod over the footbridge to the island and drop baits under the tree that overhangs the bank along which the Carp patrol. The margins of the Island are the most consistent spots on the lake and have yielded the most fish for me during previous visits. But I want to add another dimension to the session - not just catch as many fish as I can but try and settle issues around rig design that have bothered me for years. They involve "What is the correct configuration of hook, bait, and kicker to achieve the maximum rate of hookups?" Kickers and line aligners have been around for...