Wednesday, 14 July 2021 The Royal Box I'm not where I want to be. The Brambles was free on my initial look and I pushed the barrow straight there on parking up. When I got there however, someone had put a bucket in and pre-empted me by literally seconds. I was gutted at this as it was the last available peg on my 'approved' list. The only other peg I was prepared to fish was this one although I have never had a fish from it. Yet. I'm hoping that will now change. View from 'The Royal Box' I've had no previous advice on marks etc so set about it with a thorough survey. Clipped at 15 wraps, I found 21 foot. Hmmm, that's deep, but at 9.75 wraps it went down to 26 feet. Now that is deep! It felt clean and silty on the bottom and I decided this is where to put baits. All on the spot. 15 Spombs of spod over the top. I put in a little extra because of dispersion in the deep water. Now we just wait... Nothing showing on my spot at the moment. Not surprisingly. ...