
Showing posts from July, 2021
  Wednesday, 14 July 2021 The Royal Box I'm not where I want to be. The Brambles was free on my initial look and I pushed the barrow straight there on parking up. When I got there however, someone had put a bucket in and pre-empted me by literally seconds. I was gutted at this as it was the last available peg on my 'approved' list. The only other peg I was prepared to fish was this one although I have never had a fish from it. Yet. I'm hoping that will now change. View from 'The Royal Box' I've had no previous advice on marks etc so set about it with a thorough survey. Clipped at 15 wraps, I found 21 foot. Hmmm, that's deep, but at 9.75 wraps it went down to 26 feet. Now that is deep! It felt clean and silty on the bottom and I decided this is where to put baits. All on the spot. 15 Spombs of spod over the top. I put in a little extra because of dispersion in the deep water. Now we just wait... Nothing showing on my spot at the moment. Not surprisingly. ...
  Thursday, 8th.July 2021 Burrows, The Goose Shit Back again for another session to see if I can emulate last week's adventure. 'The Goose Shit' Peg My spot is in front of the reeds over on the far side at the bottom of the marginal slope There's a guy next door in The Shallows casting across, not quite into my water - but close enough to be a nuisance. Can't say anything of course. He did come and have a word and I said he wouldn't be interfering with me, but as is often the case,he just really wants approval for being a selfish so and so. Have just got to live with it. The perils of fishing busy waters. No activity on the lake although I just heard someone to my right land a fish. Manilla on the left-hand rod, Nashbait Squid and Krill on the right-hand. Both bottom baits on fluorocarbon rigs. Ah..... Fish just moved to the left of my spot. Come on! Ten Spombs of spod mix over the top of the two rods. Oh bugger. A Cormorant just surfaced. It was probably that I...
Wednesday, 30th.June 2021 Burrows, The Goose Shit (And it's covered in it...) The aim is to fish to the far marginal slope - but at the bottom of it. If the rig lands up the slope, the line goes through the water off the bottom possibly scaring the fish, hence, bottom of the slope. I started off one wrap too long. After some time away sea-fishing, (catching rays, Dogfish, and whiting) I came back to carp fishing at the onset of the good weather with the full intention of getting my tactics sorted for the big boys lake. Needless to say it didn't quite work out as planned and I suffered a bit at the hands of bad weather and bad luck. Not that I didn't try. I fished hard but the damned carp just wouldn't play ball. Finally, I resorted to copying a hero of mine - Tom Maker. He fishes exactly the same way everywhere he goes and catches more than anyone. If his tactics were good enough for him then they were good enough for me. A lost common and lost leads every time to the F...