Wednesday5th.February 2020 Paddlesworth, Pollard, Peg 4 14.45 I had a recce trip to the lake on Monday and was fortunate to meet my good friend Nobby, fishing in Peg 4 on a 48 hour session. He Kindly agreed to a ‘handover’ on Wednesday as he was packing up, hence my late arrival. Pegs 4 and 12 seemed to be the only two pegs on the lake producing fish at the moment and queues were forming to get in them! The day did not get off to an auspicious start… Reversing off my drive at home , a car came flying round the bend on which my house stands taking emergency evasion action to avoid hitting me as I straddled the road and for a split second I thought I was going to take a ‘broadside’. I think the driver (who was an elderly lady) must have panicked and instead of hitting the brake - put her foot on the accelerator because she shot off, offside of me, mounted the kerb and ploughed straight through my neighbour’s front garden, taking out the boundary fence in the process...