Tuesday, 28th.January 2020 Paddlesworth, Pollard, Peg30 10.15 I spoke to my spies and fellow collaborators during the week and got the ‘latest’ on what’s been happening and where the fish have been coming out. It seems that the only pegs to yield fish during the past few weeks have been P4 and P12. It is no co-incidence that whilst not casting to exactly the same water, they are there or thereabouts. The news I’d had a 34 from P30 came as somewhat of a surprise to many and it appears I had earn’t a fair bit of kudos and cred’ for its capture! [Now that is a first!] Today however both P4 and P12 are both taken (one of which by my good friend Nobby who overnight had caught five to 32lbs.) I was absolutely delighted for him as he has had a pretty lean time of it lately and deserves every credit for each and every one of his fish. I’d had it fixed in my mind that I had to be in P4 or P12 and to fail in this regard would result in a blank, no-where else having produced anyt...