Wednesday, 13th.February Thorn Lake 10.00 Out fishing at long last after what seems like forever… Thorn Lake is a day ticket water and I am here for one reason and one reason only - it’s got bloody great carp in it! Not just big. HUMUNGOUS! There are fish in here which would not only shatter my PB they’d blast it right out of sight! As I have mentioned in previous blogs my current UK PB has stood at 34:12 since 1977 and I am truly desperate to break it. I don’t care whether it’s from a ‘carp puddle’ or not. I don’t care what its parentage, nationality, genetic origins or anything. If it’s over the ‘magic figures’ then I can let this monkey on my back clear off and let me get on with my fishing in peace and tranquility without having to worry anymore. The lake itself is 5-6 acres and has a shallow end and a deeper end. I slung the marker float out and found six feet so I use the term ‘deeper’ in a relative sense. The reason for my choice of swim is based on a recce I ...