Friday, 16th. November Preparations for the next session I’d already started to think about what I might do for the next session at the end of the last one. A plough through my diaries (which go back to 1978!) reminded me of several stories which had valuable lessons learnt and which I had completely forgotten about. There were two in particular which guide my thoughts now: Back in the mists of time when dinosaurs roamed the earth (1986 to be precise) I was fishing Bysing Wood, Faversham where I had done extremely well, catching over a hundred fish in a season (and in one memorable year, nearly twice that number). In those days, a twenty-pound fish was a real result and were few and far between in any twelve month period. It was a heavily fished water then and had seen some of the best anglers this country has ever produced - Fred Wilton (developing his HNV baits), Gerry Savage, Bob Morris (who became the first angler to officially record a hundred ‘doubles’ in one seas...