Wednesday, 24th.October 2018 The Back Lake, (The Lifebelt) 11.00 First job - swim survey. This is my first session on here so I have no idea about the bottom contours: 12.15 So I’m back fishing after what seems like forever. The past couple of months have been extremely difficult and I haven’t even wanted to to go fishing even if I could - and I couldn’t… We finally got moved into the new house although ‘moved in’ only in a relative sense. We are inhabiting the ground floor, upstairs is still awaiting the building work - new dormers, sky-light, stud walls, plumbing and electrics is merely the start of it. At the moment it’s a building site up there. The past few weeks saw me have a ‘crash’… It was probably the stress of living with friends (lovely though they are, it was unfair of me to expect them to put up with my Depression for more than a short while). The ‘Black Dog’ descended and I was in a very dark place. More than once I said to Christine “I wish we had never...