Most of my thinking and preparation for fishing sessions is done at home where copious notes fill my Diary. Here are just some extracts on the madness that is my mindset away from the waterside!.. Thursday, 17th.May A new Strategy This is the spot I found on my walk after I packed up last time. On the sketch map Ken Crow the Fishery Manager gave me it’s marked as ‘White House Point’; on the Ordnance Survey map of the area however the nearest place is marked as ‘Betty’s Plat’. A Plat is described as ‘a piece of ground’, so this area must have been Betty’s Bit in days gone past. Betty’s is the green bit shown in the vicinity of ‘Keeper’s Cottage’ on the OS. It’s a bit of a stomp from the car park at Estate Yard Bay and there are some soft and rutty bits on the way, but it’s mostly flat all the way through the wood. The hardest part is when you exit the wood and leave the path and go across the rough ground out to the headland. This is tough going and being as it’s ri...