Thursday, 29th.March Great excitement during the week as my ticket for Bough Beech arrived; I decided I have to get over there and have a good look before my first session. With the camera and plumbing rod in the car, I left home in the sunshine full of expectation! By the time I got to the reservoir however it had started to rain and the place looked a very dark, dour, forbidding place. No fishery looks its best in such conditions and my mood reflected this rather depressive aspect. I was determined to have a plumb though and found eight feet at eight wraps, straight off the Dam Wall, the water’s edge being only a metre from the foot of the wall. This of course will fall during the following months and in my head I put in place plans for fishing it. In a southerly wind it would be nice and sheltered and this fact immediately began to change the way I thought about my approach to the place… Even though I had yet to wet a line in Bough Beech, how to fish it had occupied my ...