The following are my field notes made at the time of our return trip to our french water. It turned out to be a very tough week indeed, in more ways than one! Sunday,17th.September 15.00 Arrived after a very long and tedious journey; it should have taken us only three and a half hours but due to stops etc. took nearly five! We just got the bivvies up in peg 7 before the heavens opened - rain, hail, and goodness knows what else! People still arriving so it’s hard to anticipate how busy the lake will be. Cannot even pop out to fill the kettle it’s raining so hard! 18.00 Rain stopped and the sun has come out. All three rods are in play: the LH is a Cell wafter on a 12inch hooklength, the CENTRE rod is a Ronnie Rig with ‘Scent from Heaven’ pop up on a four inch Korda Boom, and the RH rod, a Monster Ice boilie with a pink Cell topper. All but the centre rod are just shy of 22 wraps aimed at the Out of Bounds swim. [At this point, I stopped and did a swim sur...