One of those things about going away I find, is acquiring a dissatisfaction with one’s day to day life on returning home. Chris and I have had some wonderful holidays this year - and our latest trip included some great fishing in the Dordogne… Some I am back down at my club water - A Mid Kent Fisheries Gold Ticket venue, and as I look out from the bivvy door, I see the same scene I have viewed so often before. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not complaining. It’s just that when you return home from a great fishing session and return to your ‘home’ water, things look, well, a bit ‘samey’ if you know what I mean. There are some wonderful fish in this lake (although nothing you would count as a real monster); but this doesn’t make up for the fact that the place is, well, a hole in the ground if I’m honest. I’m being a little too harsh I know because I have had some great sessions here in the past, but to me, it proves that the actual lakes themselves are intrinsically part of the Fishing a...