So I’m sitting here with the lake to myself. Not only that, there’s no-one on the other lake either so I’ve the whole Fishery to myself! After all the attention it’s received lately that’s a pretty damn good result! It’s May and the Spring Blossom is out at the lake. When the sun is out there is a warmth I’ve been looking forward to for months - but in the wind there is a bitingly cold northerly. I need both wooly hat and fleece to stay out in it and whilst I’d like to be active, looking for fish, it’s far too cold to make this an enjoyable activity. The landing net and ‘chesties’ stand poised at the ready but I’m not expecting a take until dark. Previous action from this swim has been around midnight and daytime fishing has been merely preparation for the night’s events. I’ve brought much more bait with me this time and I spend the day spodding this over my spot, away over on the far side. This is a side of my angling that has improved enormously in recent years, mostly d...